
Chris Rodinis
January 21st, 2013

Recycling is More Wasteful


A Myth?

Recycling is a waste of time, energy and resources.

A Fact!

Nope. Not true. “Even when transportation is taken into account, the energy and resources saved by not having to make new materials from scratch, for example, aluminium cans, makes recycling better for the environment than dumping rubbish in landfill sites – especially as they’ll fill up in future.”

A Tip

The key to household recycling is sorting. The better you sort, the more amount you will recycle.
There are many online resources telling how to better recycle. Goggle it.

This Plastic Waste Is Non-recyclable


A Myth?

Plastic from food packages cannot be recycled.

A Fact!

Not true. “Almost all the 50-odd types of plastic that are manufactured can be recycled.”

That is a good  thing because it can lead to more recycling. Very little sorting is required for plastic food packaging. Also, there is strong demand in the market for this type of used plastic.

A Tip

You local food retailer may take your collected plastic. Or find a location online.

The most important thing to do is not drink water from water bottled in plastic. And if you do buy water in plastic bottles please be sure and recycle all of them..

A Food Waste Question


A Myth?

Nothing is wrong with just throwing away unused food.

A Fact!

Again not true. Discarded leftovers, after they degrade, produce a famous gas known as methane. Methane is a very strong gas of the greenhouse kind (carbon emission).

A Tip

Buy smarter, use smarter, eat smarter. For example, buy in smaller quantities and smaller package sizes. Plan your meals and reduce servings for better health and less waste.

If you have a garden here is a useful tip for making natural composted fertilizer.

“Composting remaining kitchen waste will reduce the amount of rubbish you send to landfill, provide rich soil for your garden and, as composting exposes waste to oxygen, prevent harmful methane emissions.”


For information about electronic waste recycling:

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