
January, 22nd, 2013

Recently while searching for good articles to write about, I came across a very insightful writer, Ed Decker, who was also nice enough to let me link to his post about recycling.

Ed blogs at You can follow him using @edwindecker or    Here is his email:

For a fresh look at trash …. check it out…..please click “read more” to finish it and of course let us know what you think.

A Defense of Conservatism

As a fence-sitting political independent, I’ve taken a lot of grief over the years from my mostly Democratic friends who say it’s a copout to avoid picking a side.

And while I adore the progressive attitude of the Democratic Party, celebrate its alliance with intellectualism and get all weepy over its institutional empathy for the underdog, the truth is, liberalism—when left unchecked—will go from zero to shitty in 60 seconds.

When a problem is identified, liberals tend to lurch into action.

This is a noble (yet dangerous) instinct, and woe be the sorry sap who gets in the way of the Rebel-beral with a Cause.

Indeed, I can think of no better example than curbside recycling.

The reasons for recycling, we’re told, is that it’s good for the environment and saves money and we’re running out of landfill space.

And anyone who doesn’t agree with this must hate the planet and want to kill Bambi. Well color me a Bambivore, because it’s all deer shit…READ MORE

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