
Chris Rodinis

January 25th, 2013

Ever ride the bus? Why not? Ok. I have heard all the complaints.

And I’m not buying it. Say what you will about delays, longer trip times, bad odors and “all the weird people” who ride the bus. Folks, if you are not riding the bus you really are missing out on a wonderful opportunity.

Why is it a wonderful opportunity you may ask? Let’s break it down. First, riding the bus is better for the world at large and second, riding the bus is better for you.

Before we get started I ask that you read this post to the end because I have a feeling most people are too wrapped up in attachment to their own beliefs to even consider reading about reasons to ride the bus

So don’t hang up on me now, please hear me out because if not now, then someday you might wake up and recognize the truths I will share with you.


Always Ask Why

Riding the bus is better for your neighborhood, city, state, country, and world. Because the more people that ride the bus, then the less air pollution there will be. Right on! Less cars equals less carbon emissions. I know that you care about the environment, but do you act that way? If you never take the bus when you could then you are not acting as if you care about the environment.

Simple as that. We all care. Few of us do much about it. Telling yourself you care and not acting that you care; is that hypocritical or just plain lazy? At least if you admit to one or the other you are not in denial.

Are you feeling guilty yet? Change is more likely to occur if the approach to change is not fear based, but incentive based. So lets get to some personal incentives and benefits.

This could actually be a case of “I feel good about myself because I am doing something good for the world,” in other words we all sleep better at night knowing we are making a contribution and by not always driving when you can ride is making a contribution. Every little bit helps, many hands make light work.

Let’s talk about money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you work for it, so why should you waste it? Yes, riding the bus saves you MONEY! Who knew?

Forget about the money for a second, what about the psychic currency paid to you for not driving. Oh yes this gets deep. I am not dissing cars. In fact I like to have one while I am on vacation! And I am not dissing marriage for obvious reasons. I would like to say that owning a car is like being married to a spouse.

We are so attached to them, like our spouses. If not a particular car, then to the idea of owning and driving a car. We are always worried, concerned or paying attention to them. Is there gas? When did I last change the oil? Are the tires inflated properly? Are my brake pads ready for replacement? Do my wipers actually clear the windshield when the rain is pouring? Do I need a tune-up? Did I make my insurance payment? Did I make my car payment? When do I renew my license? Did I pay that ticket?  Do I have enough cash flow this week to get some routine maintenance? When is the last time I washed my car? Is the inside of my car too cluttered? What’s that new rattle? Did I just run over a nail and now I have tire noise? Oh wow my tire treads are wearing thin, time to get four new ones about $600 minimum. What if someone steals my car? Am I going to get a parking ticket? You got any quarters on you? Oh man a traffic cop is about to pull me over…bummer…you get the idea…the list goes on…your vehicle, believe it or not is a 24/7 serious responsibility and there is no way around that.

Drive Less Stress Less

By not having a car or driving less all those missives just mentioned could be off your back. That saves you money and stress too. The less stress of not having to deal with all those car relationship issues can be truly liberating. That is the psychic currency I am talking about.

Finally, think about this fact of stress. You are it. You drive, you are responsible. What if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time going the wrong speed. You die. A terrible price to pay when you would be much safer on the bus. You see the other guy is the one not paying attention or making poor judgements while driving. That does not matter because you will still be dead.

Driving is serious work. You have to pay attention. You have to make moves. Poor judgement on your part can cost you big time. Not paying attention can cost you even more. Watching out, turning, gunning it, stopping, gunning it again, checking left, checking right, then checking left again that is stress.

So as you drive you stress. As it should be, because driving is a big responsibility taking care of precious cargo, that is, you, your wife and your child. So take a load off, enjoy a more stress free life, in fact live longer by not driving.

Oh did I mention the interesting and beautiful people that you can meet on the bus? You would NEVER meet them if you are stuck in your steel womb cocoon know as an automobile. I will save “the meet the interesting and beautiful people bus riding” post for another day.

And one more thing, you can actually look out the window. You can literally see the world without blinders. Sorry drivers, eyes on the road, hands on the wheel. Riders get the view, drivers pay their dues. The views are nice, try them sometime, you might see some amazing things. Only if you have an open mind though.

Thanks for reading and considering where the “other side” really is “greener.” And thank you for walking or biking and then taking the bus!

For more information about recycling, living green, or recycling your automobile, electronics or computers please visit:

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