Chris Rodinis This blog post is longer than usual, which is okay since my last post was weeks ago. Today the subject is repurposing. Well, I confess again that […]
green living
Chris Rodinis Ask Dupont? Ford? Or do it yourself? Thankfully enough information about sustainability is available to those who seek it. […]
Chris Rodinis A very successful outdoor clothing company named Patagonia has an unconventional marketing message: “Do not buy our garments unless you really need them and when you […]
Chris Rodinis Zero waste from hospitals is a formidable goal. Turns out the “healthier hospitals initiative” is making that goal closer. This project has already diverted more […]
Chris Rodinis\ Here is a green news item from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of all places. MSA, a safety equipment manufacturer, has innovated by using sugarcane to […]
Chris Rodinis Green tires are not actually green but I guess they could be. Since this blog is about reducing and green practices, today we are covering “green tires.” […]
Chris Rodinis Today I gathered some recycling tips for Earth911, which is always an interesting read. Turns out all that stuff in your backyard can probably be […] Chris Rodinis 1. Yes You Can Recycle Cartons! Since most cartons are constructed of about 90% paper and since very good quality raw materials are […]
Chris Rodinis March 5th, 2013 What the heck is redneck recycling? I don’t really know, however, Jeff Foxworthy might! I wanted to share this article because it is the […]
Chris Rodinis February 8th, 2013 What exactly is a “green” office? Yes, this could mean more indoor plants….lots of plants…can you say indoor marijuana?…..just kidding… that is not the […]