The SpiceWorks Community has evolved over the years into a forceful presence of the IT world. With so many members that are interested in the opportunities that computer technology offers, […]
Chris Rodinis This blog post is longer than usual, which is okay since my last post was weeks ago. Today the subject is repurposing. Well, I confess again that […]
10 Steps to Ending Ewaste-a-holism Chris Rodinis This is a “10 step guide” to ending E-waste. It is based on the 12 step guide from the widely known Alcoholics Anonymous […]
Chris Rodinis A very successful outdoor clothing company named Patagonia has an unconventional marketing message: “Do not buy our garments unless you really need them and when you […] Chris Rodinis Today’s blog will revisit data security. Before we come to the tips on data security lets review some […]
Chris Rodinis Zero waste from hospitals is a formidable goal. Turns out the “healthier hospitals initiative” is making that goal closer. This project has already diverted more […]
Chris Rodinis\ Here is a green news item from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of all places. MSA, a safety equipment manufacturer, has innovated by using sugarcane to […]
Chris Rodinis Our last post was about recycling your laptop. Recycling is usually a worthwhile thing to do. Reusing is even better! One form of reuse is donation. Donation […]
Chris Rodinis Here we have another amazing story of creative reuse. Ewaste is growing so why not make something out of it? That is just what a Taiwanese business […]
Chris Rodinis Like the old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Turns out that would be true if you let go of the old laptop you […]